RE:Re Your analysisFergus: ----- FWIW, I subscribe to Wolf's newsflow packages. I like the accuracy,the presentation, and above all ,his ''frank honest thoughts'',which are impossible to get from others. ----The example of that was his comment on the $ 658 755 personal loan : i/e (go to a bank) . That's the type of honesty I go for in a newsletter. ------- However: Although his (Wolf) report was great , I can't help but think he held back thoughts , and THUS, they may have contributed to his final analysis. ---I'd really like to hear his thoughts on lack of communication, boneheaded decisions ,poor timing of P/R 's,and other happenings,not filling director position, no insider buys ect,ect . Mincing that type of thoughts in a report is obviously not going to be given ,however, the comment on the personal loan leaves me thinking if I could tap his (Wolf's)mind in a coffee shop, he might have a lot more to talk about . My thoughts. --I am not completely sure the 3/5 rating, and some very distinct downward current trends ,are the sole reason for his coverage conclusion. He may feel a little bit like myself on company happenings ??.