RE:RE:.015???Man you can't even get Christmas right. It's 2 days after Christmas DD. The rest, about past failures is right but I give it a chance in a goose that they will raise the funds they need to pay their payables and keep this squarelensdoubletakeallialiisnexcompress alive. More than likely they will be in errr pristine condition when they go bankrupt
Just a matter of time
Actually may see a share for payables transaction at this wonderful bargain price with warrants for more of the same so that cash in from Pristine can sustain the lights on in the office for awhile
Who knows? The horse may learn how to sing.
Damn1212 wrote: Do what exactly ?
What can they do ?
They can pay themselves and raise money.
Everything else ... Well just look at the past 7 years and it will tell the tales without any false narratives and diversions from a certain Moebill who has commented 150 000 times on posters but 0 times on the company.
3.70$ - 1 penny
At what point will you guys admit the truth ?
at 0,5 cents ?
at 0,25 cents ?
Merry Christmas to all who were lied to and lost money in this SCAM !