Dec 30 Outside Date......Monday is the Outside Date. The date is meant to account for all kinds of unforseen delays. AMK deal will NOT close Monday. And there were NO unforseen events. The only issue is that Cunninghsam did NOT come up with the $210 million.
Now the rumpers will say that AMK/Cunning do NOT care about my schedule. But they apparently do NOT care about their schedule as they have NOT adhered ot it. THE ONLY REASON AMK DEAL HAS NOT CLOSED IS CUZ CUNNINGHSAM DOES NOT HAVE THE MONEY. Its not about my schedule. Its about $210 million.
The good news? NGTG continues to slide..............on very weak volume. This alone is reason enough for the AMK board NOT to extend beyond Monday.
live and learn.
good luck..............I really do hope someon airdrops $210 million by Monday!!!