RE:New owners I would think a bare minimum offer would be 20% of $4 ($4.80) and add the $1.50/share cash in the bank.
$6.30/share offer, and to me that would still be stinky.
Consider a low eps of $0.50/share is a 12x earnings offer, but remember we at TBL have had full year EPS of $0.85 in 2021 and $0.82 in 2022. (Even $0.57/share in 2023) There is money being made here...
An offer on 2022 earnings would only be 7.7x, or if we use the 12x multiple should be $9.84
I would gladly settle for $9.84, and Avarga/buyer would still be getting a great deal
Also consider the special dividends that we received. Avarga would of got their fair share like we did. So where did that money go? Theoritically if it's still in the bank they could be putting that towards an offer price as well...