givemeabreak ?Hello giv...
FURY Market Cap: 146m shares @ $0.56 = $82 million DV Market Cap: 285m shares @ 0.98 = $279 x 19% (FURY share) = $53 million
Implied value of all the rest of Fury Net Assets (Quebec, CB. etc) = $29 million
Cash on hand (Dec 31"23 plus March'24 sale of Homestake) = $11m (approx.)
Implied VALUE of rest of Fury Net Assets (excluding excess cash) = $18 m
So. about S0 44 of the SO. 56 share price is in DV shares and cash. with the
remainder $0.12 the value of the Fury assets.
Seems like aood value once adain. Am I missina somethina ? but now it is much low & 0,07 So when you talk about fury you stuck with this ananlys.