Chinese Gold Discovery Tauted as the "bonanza" gold discovery, China has discovered a very large beneath their deposit in Wangu Gold field in Hunan Province. Upwards of 1,000 + tons estimated, yet the depth will prove daunting starting at 6,600 ft. below ground.
At todays POG that's an inferred deposit valued of $83 billion USDs which = a deposit (convertetd to $3800 CAD) = 31,556,380 ozs. Press is calling this the Worlds greatest AU discovery, that's a clear distant second compared to NFG.
Conversely, here we are at Queensway North belt with easily mined very rich surface deposits ranging to 150 meters deep! I refer to the quality summation by nozzpack on Jan. 4, - 9:56 AM:
77 Million Ounces .. Top QWN Prospects.
Honestly investors are asleep about the stunning facts on the ground regarding NFG. The realization of extremely low cost mining logistics coupled with the QWN's complimentary adjacent supporting structures "In Place" truly make the QWN concessions THE World's largest gold discovery in these times.
I sense (IMHO) that 77 million ozs. may turn into much more below 150 meters including the yet uncovered surface deposits along the Appleton & JBP Faults ranging into the Kingsway acquisition? At 77 million ozs. (high end totals) - That's 3.5X the Wangu Gold Field Inferred predictions. Seems at this point it's NFGs little secret.