RE:Canadian Drone Rules UpdateIt is a step forward for Canadian government to address the Drone Industry even just to the level proposed in this article.
It is a "Baby Step" and in what is too typical of our federal government , it appears to basically be a "Put a Toe in The Water" approach.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending upon one's perspective, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has forced nations throughout the globe to seriously evaluate how Drone Technology is currently impacting not just military strategy, but delivery of many products and services that are basics in their economy.
This Link addresses the Ukrainian Drone industry:
Fortunately; Volatus has a CEO and management team that appreciates where the technology is going . Accordingly, they continue to build government, international, investor, and industry relationships to support the company's growth.
Hopefully, Canadian regulatory bodies will approach the industry and its potential in a more timely manner than it traditionally exhibits so companies like Volatus can be successful here instead of having to move their technology to the U.S. or elsewhere.