RE:RE:Bman1234There you go, I did look at my past posts,
And here is my first one on this board on July 2020, 4 and a half years ago.
Wow did I ever get burned and called all names in the SH book.
Hi all, i'm a new investor in PYR and first post in stockhouse, i got in a few weeks back et $2, thanks to a good friend's tip. I read some great things about PYR and got me to buy more. Let's say I did some DD after his tip. I'm now averaging $3.02. I see a lot of big/huge numbers on this board, and see some very good things in the near and long term. But I would like to know why many people talks about billions and billions of $ contracts, to maybe be signed shortly, that say, company A,B,C etc.. and more to come, with 1,000's + of torches to produce. Wouldn't a multi billion company dealing with a fairly small company like PYR starts with a modest order of let's say 1 or 5 or 10 torches. Does PYR has the capacity to produce x amount of torches? in what time frame? in which facility? And what about 1,000 torches? Hope I'm not offencing anyone here by asking. Thinkbigsti69 wrote: StairwayTo wrote: Bman1234
I noticed you jump on this board from failing companies to failing companies with always the same pattern, complaining about "fudsters" "shorters" "Dabbers".
How's your portfolio doing???
Stairway looked at your post history. 100% of it is bashing PYR.
You sure have a gigantic chip on your shoulder. LOL