last years agm..
Chuck himself said that this time next year he wants to be talking about the JV deal they worked out. So it's very close to that time where he will have the AGM and talk about a deal or a future deal. We could be looking a big deal done and a run up in the share price. OR...
More drilling to prove and extend the zone to get a better deal. Ideally we need someone that wants to bring in a big drill and see how much deeper beyond 700 meters this Zinc Lead and Silver find goes. Maybe there is even more zinc deeper down...
But those big drills cost money and a major to ship theem up there and get it all done. So I am leaning towards a deal getting done.
I look forward to the AGM coming up. I have loaded the boat and ready for either news. IF it's more drilling then I have another years wait and maybe I will reload on the TFSA again. But if you haven't got in before this years AGM... you could be missing out on the JV deal and a big pump in share price....