Direct to Mill Shipped Ore Maritime will use high intensity grade control such that waste ore is minimized during the mining process.
This is directly shipped to the Pine Cove mill where , depending on grade, the option of comminution or gravity separation is available followed by CIL
As for QWN ore, Pine Coves gravity separator will be used as the grades are very high .
Tolling limits the environmental foot print .
Keats Trench has been intensively sampled for grade and spatial distribution by drill core and two phases of channel .
The tolling model can therefore be direct shipping ore , which offers no mill, no chemicals, no on-site tailings, which has made the boot strapping KT project notably simpler to permit, build and operate.
I have previously dealt with trucking costs to Pine Cove mill.
With such high grade ore, margins are so high that trucking costs are not a substantive issue.
The Point Rousse Deep Water Port usually ships its aggregate in 55,000 ton Panamax ore carriers.
So just one trip to Goodyears cove, if necessary...but I think not.
MAE won't come cheap to a prospective buyer.
It has a choke hold on excess gold milling capacity in NL up to 2030, as no new mill can be permitted and built within that time frame .
NL Govt will not permit out of Province processing while excess milling capacity is available within the Province.
The updated FS , later this quarter, is likely to be based on a 10 year LOM which will include besides HD, Orion, Stoger and the new sattelite discoveries around the
HD mine.
If so, upgrading the 2022 FS for doubling LOM, and current POG , will likely show an after tax NPV5 of $600 million or higher .
Also, MAE is owned largely ( 61% ) by half dozen mining / investment companies who know quite well its strategic Hub and Spoke Business model for NL.
Anyway, let's get this show on the road first,.