RE:Fun day today… My statement fun dat today.......had zero to do with Onc share price.
inhad a fun day, & as I said don't normally post during the week.
what has been fun. I spite of myself & others praising notable, he finds a need to critizez me
then a very dillusional theory, thst somehow my posting drives the price down?
What about when I post & the price is up? since both happen randomly.
moving on ....
We are now in the stretch before the presentation at JP Morgan conference.Being the 13th.
followed a week later by the most recent Gobblet cohort, on anal cancer. They specifically mentioned in NR, thst efficacy will be revealed....perhaps a third enabling trial. & yet another reason for Roche to buy Onc out.
That is my first pick. As being obvious, it enhances their existing product, plus the sales from Pela.
No down side. Just need to agree on a price.
obviously much much more than present trading range. & as I discussed, a premium to the highest analysts prediction.
I had no idea the size of that event. hundreds of pharma, biotech & clinical support companies.
certianly will be exciting times ahead.
reinerate, I spoke in person with financial people & other investors. All said, I'm very glad I bought 30% more shares a few weeks back. & no I have not sold any.
Im in until Onc does a deal.
A buyout, would decide for me.