RE:Where is the bottomI would never predict a bottom price becuase there are going to be too many emotional ups and downs based on rumours,fear ,facts etc but my personal prediction is that once the dust settles ( zipy capital costs, competitive market in Can and USA, plus a 50 % Div reduction , Trump insanity ) its going to be a $33 stock with a Div of $2.00 with a 6% div rate . They can still be able to sell it being a good divdend yielder for those widows and orphans that its higher than the competiton to justify the cut and show its still a great investment ( corporate speak).
Status quo is unsustainable and that fear will drive the market until the divdend decision plus some hail mary move to sell assets and paydown the debt or the unthinkable happens and governments allow the companies that paid for the infrasture to have total domain on thier investment. Its very obvious that once the new government in power realizes the financial depravity that they were left and HAVE to cut freebees and the economy will slow to a a crawl or negative.
As a current and past shareholder who held for 15 years I saw the writing on the wall and bailed a while back but now am willing to dip my toe back in with a 1/4 position from my previous postion and let the circus continue. Not short,not long but am staying nimble and aware
There are too many other opportunties coming this year for capital appreciation once the reckoning comes and goes.
Just my personal opinion