RE:RE:RE:53 cent ceiling?Here's my reasoning.
To pass, the resolution needs 2/3 of the attemdees or proxies to vote yes.
If the resoltuion does not pass it means less than 2/3's voted yes, the status quo remains and all of this was a waste of time and money..
If the resolution passes, more than 2/3 of the attemdees or proxies voted yes. In this scenario I am supposing that most of the no voters are pissed off and will opt for all cash. But they make up less than 1/3 of the holders who voted. I am also supposing that the yes voters are looking at the deal as a good longer term hold. I doubt that they are voting yes to get the 60 cents per share and will instead elect for all shares of Lotus Creek and no cash.
If this is the case, there will be more cash available for the no voters and fewer forced acceptance of Lotus Creek shares. The shares of Lotus allocated to the no voters are the weak hands I was talking about and as you point out they may be dumped during the first months of trading. The yes voters who elected for the shares of Lotus Creek and no cash are the strong hands I was referring to. These holders are willing to wait until Q3 or Q4 and see what happens.
All speculation of course.