CRTC is gov't INTERFERENCE in the free marketSame with those foreign speculator taxes etc or vacancy taxes on foreigners.
lot of these are American foreign investors and got ripped off by the gov't in Canada pay 3% vacancy taxes on their Canadian real estate holding, you cannot rent Canadian real estate or sell it. it's an illiquid market. real estate is illiquid like stocks.
and probably reason why Trump wants to annex Canada.
1. no bilinguaulism
2. US companies can takeover Canadian banks ,take over Canadian telcos and media companies and take over all the natural resource companies
REason why some Canadian don't want US imperialism
the investors of Canadian companies.
that is why.
before free trade most of retail was Canadian suppliers.
US compeititors would put many Canadian companies out of business that is why they don't want US annexation of Canada as 51ste street. workers don't care. who they work for