RE:RE:RE:Raj Grover on TDR today discussing latest aquisition Good points
- QoB products are all sold out within 72 hrs. Bigger orders are already being placed. Exceeded Rajs expectations
- LP's are coming to Raj and asking him to sell their products
- Raj is expecting to compete with the Bug guys from USA
-Wants to be a global powwrhouse
- He promised he would deliver for his shareholders
- He does what he promised
- Germany is just the beginning. The rest of Europe will follow
- Canada and Germany plus global e-commerce will keep him busy. He is ready for USA when they get reform
- His last comment was "2025 will be Hiti's year"
- The Hiti segment goes from the 1:01:35 mark to the end (about 25 minutes). Too much to mention. WATCH the video. Smartest decision you will ever make. For serious investors only! One of the best podcasts by Raj. The future is very bright here. He is 3 to 5 steps ahead of everyone else.