RE:Here are the facts of the Canada/US tradePlease read the 2 articles again to understand that, what Trump said on Tarrifs has no merit, and what he said will not be implemented until they do their research on Tarifs first. And that research
will not be done by Trump. It will be done by the RBG PAC, or DOGE run by Musk.
Read the Carpentiem01 Link article bellow and see the writing for yourself. Second the link I posted shows that Trum is out to lunch when he says that the Canada's to USA surplus is $200B. The article spells it clear that the Canadian surplus to the USA is closer to $35B ann. And this is mostly offset by lower prices for Electricity, oil, lumber and other raw materials that are manufctured in the USA, and resold to Canada. That is what's really happening.
If Musk is going after the Auto industry like Ford & GM? It's understandable, they are Musks competitors, and that he may try to put Tarrifs on them. But GM & Ford are American companies, and they won't sit there, and not complain to the TRUMP about his favoritism to Musk. So as you can see the fears are a little premature and unfounded about the proposed Tarrifs. Plus if DOGE sees the merit in imposing some Tarrifs? Then those Tarrifs are going to be a slow 2% starting imposition a month. I will say this that, none od this will happen and if it does?
It will happen to a very small degree in areas or industries, that will not affect Bombardier. As for the Canadian relationship to the US? The article says
what I've known for years now, that the Canadians hold about $800B of US treasuries, and Canada helped the USA with their Debt in 2009 when they almost went Bankrupt. That's roughly ! Trillion. Further the USA has a deficit with China, and owes China around $5 Trillion. So Canada is not the problem. China is. In fact Canada helped the USA to take control of it's Debt deficit in 2009.
Post by
Carpediem01on Jan 14, 2025 5:49am
My post on Canada USA trade facts. If you click on the link and something else comes up. It's the first link on top from yahoo so click on it to get read the article. "The US benefits from trade as much as Canada" is the article.
BBDB859 wrote: