RE:RE:RE:RE:Why so much selling?Nobody on this Board, including me, can influence the SP.
PumP? Bash? Doesn't matter.I won't stress myself out watching
the SP move a few pennies up or down. To me it doesn't matter
at all. This is a stock that is a long hold, likely with great reward.
Perhaps insanely great reward. This isn't a pump, it is only my
opinion. It appears to me TLT is on the path to glory ( ok, that
was a bit of a pump ) and all will be rewarded at some point.
How much? When? I don't know. But I would rather be IN this
stock rather than be OUT. Every Board is the same. Pump. Bash.
Rinse. Repeat. The ignoe button is a great feature should you tire
of any particular poster. Some might have ME on ignore LOL!
GLTA. Hang in, hang on and it will come.