CDN drillers ranked by activity levelsHere is an update as of today for the activity levels.
These numbers comes from the riggertalk web site.
As you can see,all the majors players are very active and again, Akita is number 1.
And like i wrote previously,this sector won't be affected AT ALL if Trump go ahead and
impose tariffs.
P.S. There is a shareholder that is selling is position.He is from Fidelity.He is the one preventing
the stock from going up.These thing do happen when you have an illiquid stock like Akita.
The good news is that it gets resolved over time.At some point he will have sold is position.
Akita will post good results for Q4 and even better results for Q1 of 2025.
It will be interesting to see what will be their debt target level for 2025.
Akita is already and by far the driller with the lowest debt / equity.
Here are the numbers as of Q3
Akita 30%
Precision 46%
Ensign 72%
My wish for 2025 is that they do a combination of continued debt reduction coupled with
a NCIB(While the stock is still dirt cheap) and after that a reinstatement of the dividend.
Here is the ranking as of Jan. 14th
Akita:82.35%. 14 of 17 rigs working
Precision: 80.61% 79 of 98 rigs working
Ensign:77.94% 53 of 68 rigs working
Stampede :70.59% 12 of 17 rigs working
Savanna: 53.06% 26 of 49 rigs working
Horizon: 55.88% 19 of 34 rigs working.
Here is the ranking as of Nov. 25th
Akita:76.5%. 13 of 17 rigs working
Precision: 76.5% 75 of 98 rigs working
Ensign:62.9% 44 of 70 rigs working
Stampede :58.8% 10 of 17 rigs working
Savanna: 43.9% 25 of 57 rigs working
Horizon: 38.2% 13 of 34 rigs working.
Ranking as of Oct. 25th
Akita:76.5%. 13 of 17 rigs working
Ensign:73% 52 of 71 rigs working
Precision: 73% 72 of 98 rigs working
Savanna: 42% 24 of 57 rigs working
Horizon: 33% 12 of 36 rigs working