RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Trump and Danielle SmithIf it's in private how do you have a slightest clue. If he said that? You presumptuous and ideologic TRUDEAU SUPPORTERS are all in for revenge tariffs, to throw at the USA. You people have all these grand schemes to handle and stand up to Trump. But the only idea the CBC and people like yourself Maxmoe won't accept. Is stopping the flow of illegal immigration and drugs at our border. Which we share with the USA. We don't share the border with Trump. You dummy. Just do the job we should've been doing all along. Maxmoe is on this platform. Basically defending illegal immigration. That is putting way too much pressure on both countries ability to properly provide the basics FOR THEIR CITIZENS. Maybe Maxmoe needs to take a walk in the snow like the Trudeaus to reflect who they are. Or better yet Maxmoe. Take hike to some other Marxist paradise!! I hear Cuba is warm this type of year.