RE:RE:RE:DJ up 750 points waooooHello singoa58
Agree that Cad$ is in for a tailspin. Not sure it will go to 49 cents but 60 cents is definitely possible with no leader and Trump threatening big tariffs immediatley. In a sick kind of way it might be good for us (I am canadian). I used to think Canadians were reasonably intelligent, educated and most impotantly thinking people. I don't agree with that any more. Many young people in Canada don't want us to use any of our resources to create wealth (it is sooooo icckky). But the entire country can't be software engineers, bankers, and real estate agents!!! Many of these people are smug with their life style and don't realize how vulnerable we are. And when you politely try to explain some realities of the world economy they are often bored or dismissive of what you have to say. But a 49 cent $ and that smugness will go away when they realize a pinapple costs $9 and a vacation outside of canada is only for the truely wealthy. That might make pay more attention to economic realities in Canada and make them support our extractive industries.