Give credit where credit is due!Hey Mr. CEO, you know the guy who is so proudly exhorting the company, the one that Peter H. Smith PhD,P.Eng built over decades, the one that was taken over by "new team" , say so. Say so in front of your dreamy crux video audience on you tube.
Champion Iron, Black Horse and Magpie have no origin associated with you or any of your merry band. Your hypocritical highlighting of Champion as the most valuable asset, you know the one that you cancelled the NON RECOURSE royalties from is laughable. Go ahead and tell them how you have put out MDA's crucifying the man who built the company on a shoestring, kept it alive for over 30 years, took a pittance of pay, poured in countless unpaid hours, weeks, months of time. A guy with fortitude and forthrightness. Go ahead tell them the sordid details of the coup, the devaluation of shareholders equity. Tell them how Champion probably wouldn't exist if not for the tireless efforts of your predecessor. All ears.
Give credit where it is due. There is so much questionable egregious behaviour with this current "new team". Kudos to you BTW for revealing to us all what true colors were behind the old CFO as a key officer and member of management.
Give it up, resign and get the right people on the job with a proper apology and restitution for Smith who you have pilloried for far too long in your vaunted, overpaid position as CEO. It is obvious this company is not the right remit for you, never was.