RE:RE:Oil prices Did everyone forget Trump's declaration that he would end the war in Ukraine and establish peace with Russia within one month of taking office? Did everyone forget that Putin publicly stated he was willing to discuss the end of hostilities with the new president?
It's not only the tariffs that are a concern. Combine with 1/ An incompetent/dysfunctional Canadian government, 2/ An announcement of a Ukraine peace deal, 3/ End of Ukraine and Gaza hostilities, 4/ Announcement of discussions to re-open Russian markets.
Canada and Canadian companies look like the absolute worst places to invest.
Citizen13 wrote: We are in and have been in perpetual uncertainty . Orange man swinging his johnson all over the place and traders have no idea where ths is going . Tragically his methods to MAGA do just the opposite because nobody knows what an Orangutan with a hand grenade is going to do next . Very very volatile. If the Iranian and Russian sanctions finally are taken seriously we're gonna be A OK . Russia has already said theyll find another way around them . Even if they do , it'll cost them a lot more time and money . Iranian oil will be harmed , no doubt . If the allies really wanted the wars to end theyd use AI to detect the oil transfers in the oceans and seize both vessels immediately . But we are weak and patheitc beta cucks. This is what happens when you vote in people who are worried more about gender bathrooms than actually making a significant difference in the world.