Tarrifs (what to do?)As a country, we now are faced with some realities with our economy. And as a company Bombardier Bombardier has to change its game, to the Airbus model of having a further manufacturing facility in the US. Facilities such as Witchita, Pittsburg, Dallas, are already manufacturing some of the products. But we could increase the Assembly part in Witchita. I say witchita because the existing aerospace labour pool from Boeing & Spirit are there, as well as our old Lear facility. Our defense is in Whitchita too, so we're smart to expand there for now.
Bombardier as a company, has to figure out how to navigate through this Trump imposed Tarrif, in the next couple of years. And not only that, they have to figure out how to resolve this problem long term, because the reality is that the USA market for Business Jets is a huge, to the tune of 65%. We have to figure out how to navigate through this quickly in the next couple of years.
Nuts & Bolts for Canada. We have a nut in the US, and we now will have to learn our lesson. Nobody is your friend all the time. Trump has not only proven that. He is the poster child of the cause of volitility, in our ECONOMY. He wakes up one night, and goes after Canada, Panama, Greenland, & Mexico. He doesn't respect friends, Allies, neighbours etc. That's the reality that Canada is faced with. Canada should have known better when it decided to drop its guard down to the USA, China, and Russia. The natural resources that we have have been raided by the US, China, and even Russia to some extent.
How do we resolve the problem.
I'm not an elected official and I can't implement these. But these politicians have to figure out how to implement them. We have a lot of smart people in Canada to figure this out.
1) Stop Immigration totally. We won't be able to feed the 5M Immigrants that we've already brought in this past 5 to 7 yeras under Trudope. We can't even feed the existing population with these Tarrifs that are imposed, without having to pay huge prices for food and goods & services. Thank God that CP Rail bought KC rail, and we can import food from Mexico directly to Canada.
2) Our resources are going to have to be managed well. We can't send Electricity, Oil, or Lumber out to other countries until we feed the Canadian market first. The surplus can go to the US or Europe of Japan, or etc. We need our own trade to flourish within Canada, through our provincial system
3) We are going to have to deal with inflation for the next 5 years for sure. Just until we can get back to our original state of economic Autonomy, or independence before NAFTA. This is not going to be easy, because we've been unraveling our economy for over 45 years with NAFTA. We are not the USA's saviour.
4) Housing is a huge problem here, and doesn't have anything to do with the USA. We have to use our own Lumber, Natural Gas, Brick, Stone, Concrete, etc, and any other raw materials for contruction of our housing. This is of outmost importance for affordable housing. We have to bring down the construction laws in place now, to speed things up, and we need a Govt. in power to realize and figure out how to do it.
5) Reduce the size of the Bureaucracy. Canada has more chiefs, than Indians. We have more Governmemt Employees than any other country in the world per Capita. We only have 40M population. Why do we need 5M Government employees (Federal, provincial, Municipal, etc) for this small population? This will help with the Govt balancing its financial books. We may even have a surplus if they get rid of this overblown bureaucracy. THIS IS A MUST. This extra Bureaucracy is the cause of our inflation, in more ways than one. They don't know what they're doing and all they care about are wages, and how to line their pockets with the Taxpayers money
6) Bring our Taxes down. We are taxed to death by these Govts, just to pay for all these unnecessary, bureacracy, and goods and services. The government has to become smaller, and more fiscally responsible. We can't be donating money to countries, to resolve other country problems. Whether Political or Relegious problems from other countries. We need the money here in Canada. We want to help war torn countries like Ukraine, but there is a limit. Forget this Climate problem. We are not the polluters. China, Russia, the US and any other mechanized countries are. We need to save our money, and be fiscally responsible to Canadians. Tell those countries to pay for the cost of clean air.
6) Protect our Borders better with the wrong Immigration from the USA. The guns & violence that keeps entering here, brings crime from the US, and it has to stop at the southern border of Canada. This is going to help make a more desirable country for existing Canadians to live in, and grow the Canadian economy.
If we impliment some of these mesures? We won't be isolated. The world has changed drastically since 1989, when we did the NAFTA deal. People, and Goods are easily transported. Trade is easier with countries now. We just have to find the right countries to trade with. Not ones that take advantage of us, like the USA did, and now they want to steal our country now too. This TRUM FACTOR should be a lesson to us.
How do we start putting some of this into action. We choose leaders who are responsible and have Canada first in mind. Not flighty idiots like Trudope. Yes Mark Carney is a good one. But even he is not the right one for now. Poilievre maybe the right start, for now. The Liberals need to be shaken up, so they can start selecting responsible leaders to start heading in this logical transformation. This Immigration was a mess. This Afganistan, Ukraine, and even climate wars cost too much. Canada can't save the world. We have to think small and be more economically resonsible.
We are not rich to the point where we can keep this spending going. The USA Republicans have figured this out. They are trying to correct their defecit problem of $37T. That's Trillion with a T for those who don't get it. China is their biggest Lender. That's the US's problem not Canada's. We have another problem. Our problem is corruption within our Government through Bureaucracy, and friends and family favors. This needless spending has to stop. We have to be more financially responsible and start saving more. This Govt doesn't have the money to help us retire better. This country supports Immigrants better that the Canadians that have built this country.
So let's start with electing Poilievre to cut the Carbon Tax, to Fight for us with Tarrifs, stop Immigration, and start solving the housing problem slowly. Inflation will happen. We don't need Carney right now. We need FORD, but he maybe the next PM. Ford knows Canada's problems better than Poilievre, so maybe Poilievre can get his help to put Canda in the right path. They are both Conservatives so that could fit well. We may ask for Carney's help as a consultant. There are too many regulations and Laws for the small population, and it has to be corrected. And Ford through Ontario's Premiership has the best qualifications to know, and recognize Canada's problems.
Sorry for the long post. But this is just part if. I can expand to anyones questions.