RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Year End Price PredictionWith AI coming in like gangbusters and Ford's Ontario going after that Industry, and other Industries. It maybe time for the Canadian Govt. to reboot the aerospace and Defence industry. If we can Cancel that Boeing deal too. What an excellent start that would be.
stockitnow wrote: There was a time when Canada was at forefront of aerospace. Engineers from Avro program went to work on the space Shuttle program.
I would love to see Canada build it's on fighter jets, but you need politicians with the guts to support it and we dont have any.
Defense industry is trillion dollar industry.
flyman12 wrote: Stock thanks for the correction. I meant the F35 contact. Buy you miss my point. 1) These jets will not be delivered for years.
2) Bombardier had already stated that they would be able to have a fighter jet ready for approval by that time.
3) most importantly it would evetually create another line of export revenue for Canada as I'm sure other countries would be interested in creating some space and less reliance on a country that is becoming a less a less reliable defense partner.
Many other countries, no bigger than ours have developed their own fighter jets.
In the past Canada has been lazy and has relied on the U S for everything. Look where that has gotten us. We have become a defacto colony of the US. Time in my opinion to step away and grow up.