RE:RE:RE:JHT x Phone CallIf it makes your little insecure self feel better referring to me as eeyawn then fill your boots.
I actually use my real name Iain Caimbeul and not hide behind a ridiculous made up name from fiction land. But then as a libdipdem supporter living in an alternate reality is what you do.
Maybe I could get you a date with Freeland, she seems your type, maybe she might even lend you one of those red tents she loves wearing.
Nailbiter2 wrote: Eeyawn, you can call James anytime.
You have to leave a message and he will call you back.
You won't do that because your genetics are comprised mostly of soggy newspaper.
Besides, I believe a phone conversation with you would be so long-winded and stodgy. IainCaimbeul wrote: My question is: why would jht or ir answer you when they do not answer other people?
Is it because you are special?
Anxiously awaiting your response.
Here is a question for James.
Is Aristotle a real product or just more smoke and mirrors?
Kaddyshack wrote: Hey all!
I reached out to Rebecca/James via email yesterday and James replied that he would be happy to jump on a call to discuss my concerns with the company.
Does anyone have any REAL questions for him? I've been a shareholder for 4+ years now and told him I just want to know what the story is and why they have not been transparent to us. Always the same 'its coming with partnerships' which we all know is smoke and mirrors as SZLS has been a downward sprial since that Q1 call years ago when he flubbed the Aristotle launch with no end in sight.
Frustrated SZLS Holder!