RE:Had a conversation carter2 wrote: The company is expected to have a meeting with First Nations in the next week or so. Chuck is working on a Major to drill the property this season which will include larger drills to verify depth, that I suspect will depend on the First Nations meeting and approval of a mine. The remaining samples will be available by the AGM. Some news will be out in the next week or so. Obviously a major is serious about this project. Be patient the pay off will be huge IMHO.
Thanks for that info. You plan on following up after a week too see how that meeting goes?
I think they have done what they can with the drill they have. They need to go deeper than 700 meters and a Major would do that kind of drilling. IF they do and the depth is even deeper than 700 meters could be massive find.
If they working on a Major to drill and test this 2025 program they might not have a full sale but a JV deal. (I bet it's that 70/30 with some finders fee)