RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Share price after SDOk. I'm going to use this stock trading downtime and general market and sector trading disconnect to examine a few of your assertions.
they are not going to pick up postage stamp play areas Nope, but they'll sell them.
When POU sold Kakwa Production and Land to VII Generation It is kind of ironic that the outfit that bought that Kakwa production has manged to quadruple their market-cap, effictively making their market-cap quadruple that of POU, the original postgae stamp play seller, using said poastage stamp play, in four short years.
their knowledge is their advantage is this competative business enviroment. is it?
That is why they hold their cards clost to their chest. You have to get use to that if you want to be a long term POU shareholder. Do I?
What if I think their approach is flawed as others seem to make more on their assets than they do?
GL Fellow Investor ;-)
MyHoneyPot wrote: When POU sold Kakwa Production and Land to VII Generation, they actually bought two companies.
They bought Trilogy which they had a stake in, and they also bought Apache Canada, and Apache left Canada.
They also currently own 31.3 million shares of NVA, and they could buy that company as well.
Westbrick that just got sold to VET, POU owned a small part of that, i believe 5% (From Memory) but i guess the company does not consider it material and the deal has not closed.
The way i look at it is the Riddell faimily are billionaires. The faimly including Mike Rose (TOU), controls billions in assets in the Canadians energy patch and has been doing this a long time.
The reply i got from JR, is nothing more than the company line, their business inteligence, their knowledge is their advantage is this competative business enviroment. That is why they hold their cards clost to their chest. You have to get use to that if you want to be a long term POU shareholder.
In any case with no debt, and a lot of cash on their balance sheet, they are not going to pick up postage stamp play areas, fragmented land bases, and they know where their areas of expertise reside.
POU will make he right decision, and has done this for their shareholders making them money for a long time.