RE:Fumed Silica Market Size & Share Analysis - Growth Trends & HPQ's assessment of the market was summarized in their April 11, 2024 news release. The amounts estimated in this summary are reasonably in line with that news release since we are talking about estimates. Both show how far off the reposted information from the other forum is and it unfortunately shows the lack of respect for information that some of the posters demonstrate.
What this summary also shows is that the current manufacturers are not sitting idly continuing to employ traditional production processes. So, HPQ's comparions of economic advantages are most likely not taking into account new developments and certainly not those that have not yet been employed. The best clue of what it has will depend on the type of deal that Evonik will sign. As a significant player in that industry segment, they are certainly much more versed what is going on in that space.
From my perspective, all these things add to many different explanations why the SP is not behaving like it should for a small company having disruptive technologies in even one sector that many observers agree as them being such.
The journey continues.