RE:Larry I will ask again BUd,
as I said when I brought it up a week ago or so, most of this stuff is best discussed off of the board .....either in messages or directly
but my laymans understanding of some things that may be relevant:
1) AMK entering an LOI with an entitiy with no assets of substance,
2) AMK accepting the GEM TSA as prood of financing,
3) Lack of disclosure on progress of Cunninsam raising $210 million especially in conjuntcion with extensions.
4) AMK taking on the risk of all the costs even if Cunninghsam fails to raise the $210 million, highly unusal,
5) Undue promotional activities...............this is the hardest to prove (if one thinks it might be true) and the most expensive but given the nature of many posters on this board, it may be worth thinking about.
The people that stand to gain the most from pursuing action??? Anyone who has bought shares since June 6th in the market. Losses, and the reason fore them, might become very obvious if and when this deal falls away. Any long shareholder might also be eligible for damages but in a different manner.
These are just the ramblings of me. Do not rely on them. If this AMK "deal" fails and you feel like you have been harmed, especially if AMK crashes to 10 cents and then has to do a PP to cover the $2.5 million in expenses they told us they have, then seek legal advice from a licences attorney diretly..........
budwieser wrote: Can u fill us in on the meeting with the Man in the Pinstripe Suit?