Getting our house in order ... is now the Priority
Gamaray; Go to Website and in the Presentation page 9.
"Increase production on existing wells by installing artificial lift (water pumps) - Cost $2.7m"
That is the cost for 3 Pumps ...The 3 artificial lift/water pumps were ordered and waiting on their arrival and installation for wells #7 East Ayazil 1, #8 East Ayazil 2 and #9 Akcakoca 5.
Frankman; have you factored in the pending gas revenue from wells #5,#6,
#7,#8,#9 ? All to be completed and producing by end of 1st Quarter 2025.
I restate : "We do NOT want any financing at the current value of our shares...period! Getting our curent wells #1 -#9 working at predictable long term rates will allow the market to allow value for the massive 2P Reserves. This will also allow Trillion to pursue a Credit Facility and/or a Joint Venture for the more expensive drilling planned ahead." Lets see what wells #5 - #9 deliver to the bottom line of cash flow. Trillion needs to get its house in order before diluting shareholders any further...Financing at .06 cents is not a vote of confidence to the market ... but production from wells with water loading issues resolved is "bankable" to lenders or potential partnerships. With 9 wells producing stable gas flows opens the door to shareprice increases and then when the shareprice is more realistic ... consider financing if necessary. I would be happy with the current 9 wells online, stable and bankable revenue for 2025 if necessary. Lets keep the cart behind the horse....