RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Has anyone received the documentation Hi Pierre,
They are making it confusing and hard for some to register a No vote IMO.
Below is the cover letter preface to the 3 settlemnt options given me by onr broker.
"If we do not receive instructions by the deadline indicated, we will consider that you
do not wish to accept the offer."
In other words they I was supposed to trust this broker to enter a NO vote
for me if I did not choose one of the 3 settlement options. They were not going
to mail a package to me. Maybe it was to save postage or maybe to collect
brownie points with those behind this bad deal or even somethig worse - who knows.
For those who do receive a voting package I recomend demanding a Control Number
and link to ProxyVote.Com be sent via e-mail to you immediately. This way you
make sure to register your vote according to your wishes.
Your Control Number is valuable. In some high profile people have sold and bought
proxy shares. Do not trust your broker to enter a vote for you. They could overlook
doing it, be late doing it or worse.