Another million ++ trading today on NASIn front of expected news from the cancer symposium, today?
The trading is again on track for another 1million++ shares, before noon.On the NAS.
For those who forgot, Onc announced about a month ago they would be presenting at ASCO , some new efficacy data , on the very new colorectal/ anal cancer cohort.
This is one of the 4 sucsesful trails alongside Roche, known as Goblet.
an achronim for Gastrointestinal......
Most advanced in progress being the Pancreatic cancer.
The presentation is scheduled for 23/24th.
however data will come out of embargo, today @ 5.
granted it is possible they may add " more data to follow @ presentation "
regardless, as I said, any material information, will need to be part of an News release.
giving all investors the same information