What's it worth??It's worth what someone is willing to pay after all factors are taken into account, and I mean all factors.
Go ahead, list them all, from permits to infrastructure to equipment, to labour costs to an onsite mill and a couple of dozen other things, and then you are left with - oh oh, how much gold did they say they have? A portion of that will be settled in about 6 months. In the meantime, the new management team will do exactly that, figure out what they are worth, who buys that type of gold deposit, who potentially has the money vs. what wil it take and is it worth it to produce it themselves considering the length
of time it will take to get to the starting line.
However, there are now people in mangement who are not bankers but are miners. Things may take a twist that you never thought of. Stay tuned. It';s still risky business.