RE:Dumpster Fire !!!Oregonduck wrote: Which major will buy a pig in a poke? Putting lipstick on a pig wouldn't do it. Obviously, investors think this is a dud like Metalex U2 with no road to the discovery. The orebody is complex with thin sheets of ore buried under thick overburden that makes recovery uneconomical.
Chief Hope has adamantly said nothing will happen until the Beaver River Land Use Plan is approved. There is no chance a Tailings Pond will be permitted on site to process ore rocks into concentrates for transport to smelters.
Again repeating the same lies to try to help your short sale of CD. !) there is no tailings. The company has said this more than once. They will truck out the raw ore to the smelter. (Once the road is built) This will be an underground mine. It's 20 meters thick at depth (again as per video)
It's the LARGEST find in NA as per Chuck in the video.
There no overburden costs as they not doing a stripping open pit. More lies in an attempt to scare shareholders away.
as for u2. If the road to the ring of fire ever gets approved. then that is back in play. But that will take a very long time to get going. Which has nothing to do with Yukon that is mining friendly.