RE:RE:When Is The Best Time To Buy These Tokens??Bullrunz,
To AMK sharehodlers, or shorts, the market cap of NGTG is irrelevant.................around 99.9% of the tokens are owned by Cunninghsam affiliated entities and parties!!!!!! While none of us know for sure how much money was raised by the issuacce of the tokens I strongly believe well under $5 million to date and likely a lot less. It also barely trades cuz there are so few 3rd party holders...............and on a net trade basis, per etherscan, trading is bacially non-existent!!!!!!
Bottom line? In 8 months Cunningsam has faile to raise $210 million to buy AMK.................and theres no way they even raised close to 10% of that.............probably 1% so far.
Be real! Be realistic!!!
bull_runz wrote: The shorts won't like this being so high. Market cap USD$461.95M