RE:New investorsCurtis11,
I also feel bad for new AMK investors. If this deal is yanked, they will likely lose over 50% overnight.................the ones that bought in the 30s will be down 70% overnight. Those who owned it before the LOI will just be out the opportunity cost of what they could have done elsewhere plus any extra hit to AMK share price from credibility and the $2.5 million in fees
As for the tunnels, that dispute has been around for YEARS........existed when I bough in 5 or 6 years ago to the amigos. TUD has escalated recently, but nature of the dispute is very old.
AMK trading at almost 50% dicount to bid price is a bad sign,
Lack of volume on AMK at 50% discount with days to go is also a bad sign.
NGTG cratering and barely trading is icing on the cake.
Thats not negativity, thats facts.
curtis111 wrote: I feel sorry for the new investors that are looking at this play and being swayed to stay away by the continuous negativity. It seems to me that the amount of negative posting is actually a good sign, funny how the bashing started only after the dispute in regards to the tunnels started up. Pretty weird if you ask me...