RE:RE:RE:25% tarriffs ...slowly , we are growing some ballz flamingogold wrote: All these are poor short-sighted knee-jerk reactions. When you have a gorilla in the room swinging it's arms around expect damage.
-banning US liquor from BC stores (copy of Ford's idea)
The US can copy this tactic. Instead of a 25% tariff how about just banning the sale of private jets outright. The average Canadian is not going to care about this except those that work for BBD that lose their job and shareholders.
-charging US vehicles to drive to Alaska
The US can easily slap tourist fees on incoming Canadians. Worse, how about no foreign ownership of US property. Do people realize Canada currently has a ban on property ownership by foreigners. I suspect Trump will consider this easy pickings soon and follow through with a similar ban on US property ownership by Canadians.
-banning US companies from bidding on government contracts
How about the US banning film prodution in Canada? BC and Ontario unemployment will skyrocket.
Bottom line, there is no way to win in a ring with a gorilla. If one ensues, we stand to lose more in a trade war with the US than they do.
Letsmakemoredol wrote: bicente wrote: Premiere of British Columbia is asking that we Canadians rethink where we spend our vacation money if the 25 % tarriffs are claimed by the US ...that's the first one to mention it ... If Mexico does the same , the US will be in trouble very quickly ...US relies heavily on tourists , lots of profits in there ... IF you give the clown a crown , you get a circus ...."and I say welcome to the show " ....we have to use every tool we have ... Canada , you're richer than you think ... GLTA
I read some of his ideas and I like them:
-banning US liquor from BC stores (copy of Ford's idea)
-charging US vehicles to drive to Alaska
-banning US companies from bidding on government contracts
yes all valid points, so the same applies to asking Canadians not to be tourists in the USA (which I think is going to happen regardless with the Trudeau peso) because then Americans won't visit Canada
I have spent some time in the US in recent years and when I told Americans they are banned from buying houses in Canada they all immediately said then should be a ban on Canadians buying US property. I didn't blame them
I already pay a fee to take my boat to the US every year btw its a "cruising permit" but there is no reverse one for Americans going to Canada. Ditto when I used to go to the US for work years ago, I paid a fee (this was during the Great Recession and I politely told the US customs guy that you know you are penalizing me for coming to spend money in your country. He kind of smiled and I know he couldn't say anything, but agreed with me completely from his eyes)
That means the only real power is cutting electricity, oil, natural gas and minerals to the US. I completely disagree we should do nothing, but with that said let Trump take the first swing, we have no choice)