can you say dot bombboys, boys, boys!It wpt tech was so infallible we would have a fully engineered product on the market right now. We don't. A healthy dose of scepticism is vital to a healthy portfolio. Any information that relates to alternate fuel tech. is important to wpt investors. HPDI is loaded with problems which is why Cummins is letting wpt develop it and not buying it outright. Management has done a great job of laying the ground-work. What is left now is ironing out the wrinkles. But be heads up for f.. sake. The wrinkles could sink this thing like the Titanic. Any new tech. is fraught with danger. Recent examples are bio-tech (syb). Lots of problems exist with hpdi. What we as investors in wpt hope is that the co. can address these publicly and fix them with good engineering. Yo bugoff, its called dd.