whine onCouple of points: I'm not sure you made your point about revenues accurately, wa. The 50/50 split is for profits, not revenues: cum still gets its revenues for selling the engine block and wpt splits the add-on (correct?).
I'd like to follow up on the post of 1999 press release, but Mr. Bayless is mysteriously no longer employed by wpt.
I find it somewhat surprising that the California market seems to have dried up. Especially considering that Cal. was the "proving ground" for the bus.
There is a Rob Nickel listed in the Van. directory 604-534-1723, and an R. Nickel 604-733-2717. Maybe one is the "real" Rob, who most certainly works for wpt.
I think that the point made re: waiting for hpdi as opposed to buying sparkies now may be valid. The spark market may be quite limited as it is mostly "government" related. Truck buyers are going to be extremely wary of new technologies and will buy a cleaner burning diesel over a natural gas or propane hpdi hands down. If the tech. proves itself this will change...slowly.
If we are in a deflationary period the added expense of hpdi may be a death knell for wpt.
June is the deadline for p#ss or get off the pot for Isuzu's demo.
Right on whine on. Do it directly to i.r. Evaluate the answers they give; or don't give.