Joint MeetingWell, I am going to stick my neck way out and express the following opinion, which is not investment advice and is "way out". As I understand it, t.g and Wheaton have previously announced a joint conference call for later today, Friday. t.g just a few minutes ago released a statement that it would not comment on the Glamis offer until t.g board had formally reviewed the offer. Yesterday, on the conference call news, the price of t.g was up, in a down gold market. I suggest the following, without any facts to back it up: t.g will announce sale of its physical gold, in whole, or in part, and use the proceeds to pay a one time special shareholder cash dividend, before the Glamis takeover (if occuring). Wheaton will support such action. In other words, it is like a "poison pill" with the t.g value decreasing, thus making Glamis (over)paying for the t.g shares and forcing Glamis to withdraw. Such news would, of course, demand questions re the takeover, hence the RENEWED announcement that t.g would not make any statement until the board had reviewed the offer. Just a thought. Goldsoldat