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Aclarion Inc ACON

Aclarion, Inc. is a healthcare technology company. The Company leverages magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), and proprietary biomarkers to optimize clinical treatments. It has developed a software application called NOCISCAN. The product uses the existing MRS capabilities of many commercially available scanners to non-invasively analyze the chemical makeup of intervertebral discs in the spine. The software post-processes the MRS exam data and detects the presence of chemical biomarkers that the Company has demonstrated to be associated with degenerative pain and structural integrity of the lumbar discs. It uses a magnet to apply a pulsed magnetic field to a patient, sensors to detect radio waves that emanate from the resonant vibrations of different chemicals in the body in response to that pulsed magnetic field and a computer to create detailed images of tissue structures in the patient based on those detected chemical signals.

NDAQ:ACON - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Feb 26, 2024 5:15pm
Post# 35900148

Aclarion Announces Pricing of $3.0 Million Public Offering

Aclarion Announces Pricing of $3.0 Million Public Offering
NEWS: $ACON Aclarion Announces Pricing of $3.0 Million Public OfferingBROOMFIELD, CO - ( NewMediaWire ) - February 26, 2024 - Aclarion, Inc. (&#x201C;Aclarion&#x201D; or the &#x201C;Company&#x201D;) (Nasdaq: ACON, ACONW) , a healthcare technology company that is leveraging biomarkers and proprietary augmented intelligence algorithms to help physicians identify the...ACON - Aclarion Announces Pricing of $3.0 Million Public Offering

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