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Acme United Corp ACU

Acme United Corporation is a supplier of first aid and medical products and cutting technology to the school, home, office, hardware, sporting goods, and industrial markets. It markets and sells through two main product categories: first aid and medical and cutting and sharpening. The first aid and medical category includes first aid and safety products, such as First Aid Only, PhysiciansCare, Pac-Kit, Spill Magic, First Aid Central, Med-Nap and Safety Made brands. Its cutting and sharpening categories include school, home and office products (Westcott brand). Brands under hardware, industrial and sporting goods products are Clauss and DMT. Its principal products sold across all segments are first aid kits and medical products, scissors, shears, knives, and sharpening tools. It is also a supplier of tactical, trauma and emergency response products. It sells its products to mass market and e-commerce retailers, wholesale, contract and retail stationery distributors, and hardware chains.

NYSEAM:ACU - Post by User

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  • TorontojayX
Post by Torontojayon Nov 10, 2021 8:52pm
Post# 34113018

Ben Graham stocks (US)

Ben Graham stocks (US)

I searched for American stocks that satisfy Ben Graham's stringent criteria for investing. It is getting harder and harder to find such a company but occasionally I get lucky. This year there are 2 companies that pass the test. There are a few that came close and may be considered a worthy investment if one wants additional diversification. This one came close but no cigar. 

Ben Graham criteria ( a Norm Rothery modification) 

1) price to earnings less 15
2) price to book less than 1.5
3) current ratio greater than 2
4) positive earnings in each of the last 5 years
5) eps growth of at least 3% over last 5 years
6) positive dividend growth over the last 5 years
7) revenue greater than $400 million

Acme united is a stock I used to own and it almost passed the test but is trading slightly above 1.5 times book value. It does not possess that sexiness that most investors gravitates towards but it often outperforms the market. Over the last 5 years the stock price has almost doubled not including dividends. 

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