What else did i come across over the weekend ?
Potassium reacting with water turns --------> Purple.
Potassium reacting violently with water.
Hydrogen is formed that ignites with a
lilac flame; the flame color owing to burning potassium vapor. Strongly alkaline potassium hydroxide is formed in solution, turning phenolphthalein indicator solution
violet red.
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Potassium_%26_water_39.jpg Sheds new light on ------------> BSK's Chihuidos claims - 60 km from Anelo.
Middle inset image - massive 150m thick purple shales -
numerous ranges Are Chihuidos purple shales --------> Potassium ?
This excites me....!
I only thought potassium came in green shades and white.
BSK's -------> Chihuidos ranges are polluted in ----------> purples.