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Brera Holdings PLC BREA

Brera Holdings PLC is an Ireland-based holding company. The Company is focused on expanding social impact football (American soccer) by developing a global portfolio of emerging football clubs with increased opportunities to earn tournament prizes, gain sponsorships, and provide other professional football and related consulting services. The Company operates through three segments: FKAP, UYBA, and Brera Milano. The Company seeks to build on the legacy and brand of Brera football club (FC). Under its global football group structure, it intends to acquire football teams in Africa, South America, Eastern Europe, and other emerging markets, and give them access to the global transfer market. The Company’s subsidiary Brera Milano Srl is engaged in a range of businesses including football division progression, global football player transfer services, sponsorship services, and football school services and consulting services on football projects.

NDAQ:BREA - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Mar 07, 2024 1:00pm
Post# 35920847

Brera Holdings PLC- the Market's MCO Sports Ownership Soluti

Brera Holdings PLC- the Market's MCO Sports Ownership Soluti
Just In: $BREA Brera Holdings PLC- the Market's MCO Sports Ownership Solution2024-03-07 12:35:06 ET DENVER, Colo., Mar 07, 2024 ( )- In a groundbreaking move, Brera Holdings ( NASDAQ:BREA ) introduced the publicly-traded Multi Club Ownership (MCO) model to the global soccer scene, democratizing sports club ownership like never before. This ...BREA - Brera Holdings PLC- the Market's MCO Sports Ownership Solution

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