Comment by
greasemonkies on Feb 22, 2021 9:41pm
They do go through a big chunk of money paying for media exposure, biggest thing I take from this is there seems to be no offer of 50/50 partnership by Noront too First Nations. Tomorrow if you take this PR stunt seriously, you would expect Noront to hit 2-3 year highs. I will watch NOT tomorrow for the breakout.
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greasemonkies on Feb 23, 2021 8:51am
In the words of the immortal Johnny Cash : I hear the train a coming, it's comin round the bend and Ryan Weston ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when.
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freed1freed1 on Feb 23, 2021 9:24am
Kwg and Noront have been at odds for the longest time. Wonder if a combination of an east to west road connecting communities and a railroad from the R.O.F. to Nakina would be feasible. This might get them to finally work together for a change!!