Post by
fordtrucks on Sep 29, 2021 7:40am
I hate to say it
Its the same thing "I hate to say" lol why cant we get news just to help keep kwg in the air or better yet for our goverment to at least step up an show some visible interest in helping our fn comunities and the country out. Right now with all the expenceses that covid has brought to us it would be a hugh lift and tons of excitement to the business comunity as well! This is beyond me which is probally why i was only able to get a carpentry trade under my belt. Come on Canada wake up its sitting right at your foot steps we dont even need foriegn companies medaling in our affairs i'm feeling ashamed again sorry for my rant glta.
Plan of attack
1) use kwg to organize utilizing all thier avalable assests i dont need to tell you what they are
2) offer incentives to some of our larger canadian mining companies to be adventure cooperative
3) while building the structure first nation comuniries get access to roads jobs etc.
4) get mining
5) open up canadian operated stainless steel factories using the patented process ferrochrome and sell the stainless steel to the foriegn countries duh duh
6) please ad to my list of other bennifits we get by being country operated list not to exceed ten feel free to delete any i put there
Comment by
fordtrucks on Sep 29, 2021 8:43am
ET i can find lots of things that were made in canada i put a 1200 foot road in and the cut trees i personally milled in to lumber and made furniture i built my own cabinets and on an on i go. If i can do on a small scale an see the bennifits then canada could do it too. I sent the message with my ten point list directly to the governtment i did get a message saying it was received
Comment by
ETalien on Sep 29, 2021 9:12am
Um... take the challenge.. go through it all. I asked many and they were appalled! But of course if you make your own furniture that's great. But you see, it doesn't add anything to the GDP in fact it takes it away. If you think about it. Just saying. We need massive amounts of manufacturing plants across canada, so on and so on.
Comment by
wheelsonthebuss on Sep 29, 2021 11:25am
what are you going to do when your Ford has gone EV - build a power station ???? O YAYA !!!!!!!