Remember me
daviekin wrote: 40 years venture experience between the two of you and you still don't get how this game works. It's not about the money. It's about the guys getting in. And they want in cheap. They want in before Q2 is announced and before the good quarter pushes up the share price. Then it's up to management to say yes or no based on what these guys can offer. Johnson said yes when he said no before so they must be offering something good. Have you not seen the deals Eric Sprott has done recently? 30-40% discount to market close plus warrants that might even be in the money and the stocks move up after that. SKYG and GPG being two recent examples, but there's a lot more. Instead of crying your tears on Stockhouse why don't you contact management to see if you can get into this deal? I did. Don't tell me after decades of doing this you guys still aren't accredited investors?
A daily snapshot of everything from market open to close.