Regenx Brings 'Green' Recycling Process To Greeneville
By Spencer Morrell Staff Writer Oct 28, 2023 A new industry is now ramping up operations in Greeneville.
Regenx Tech Corp. began operating in a 30,000-square-foot facility in early 2023 in Greeneville and is now set to begin scaling up its business.
Regenx is a green technology company that carries out the removal and recycling of precious metals from diesel engine catalytic converters.
A proprietary filtration process is used to extract the precious metals.
The filtration process, which is considered “green” by the Tennessee Valley Authority, uses a propriety cleaner formulated from household chemicals to separate platinum and palladium from the pulverized interiors of recycled diesel catalytic converters.
Regenx USA President Rick Purdy describes what the facility produces as a “unique” and “refined” product.
It is a product and process that Regenx worked diligently to developed that involved repeated testing and engineering.
The company is currently using one “module” to carry out the filtration process, that it has now mostly fine-tuned. A module contains numerous tanks, augurs, hoses, and filters that all play a role in the filtration operation. Purdy says the company is now ready to grow and the facility will contain four modules running filtration processes simultaneously within about two years.
The company fabricates much of its materials itself as a way to ensure they meet finely tuned specifications and needs in running its modules.
“We are commercialized now. We’ve proved it all out,” Purdy said. "Each piece you’ve got to make sure it’s all tuned efficiently together. So your input analysis of PGMs (platinum group metals) are measured against your output for recovery to show your efficiencies and purities for the end product. So we test the material, and let’s say it has one gram of something, one gram of another. On the other side we should get pretty close to that on recovery or even more because its not buried in a bunch of inert tailings.”
For now, the company is working to have multiple batches run through it single module each day, which Purdy said will begin “in short order."
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