From Setti in the latest pressrelease.
"Now that the product has been sold in stores for two weeks and we are rapidly adding more points of sale across the state of Ohio, I believe we are well-positioned to keep scaling upward in terms of expanding our retail footprint and our manufacturing pipeline."
I strongly believe that TAAT is about to give us some really good retail news regarding that footprint. Hemp cigarettes can be sold across all mainstream tobacco distribution channels. Retail stores like Costco, Circle K, Chevron and 7-Eleven.
I think a deal with for example one of these is imminent.
They have probably been in contact with all these and are probably in negotiations with at least one retail chain. The Big Retail guys wanted first to see how the initial launch in Ohio went and then decide. This is how things are done in the retail chains no matter what new product you have.
A deal with let's say Circle K would give TAAT access to 9,799 stores in North America.
So if you think that TAAT will only be sold at small mom & pop shops forever will have to rethink. This is coming sooner or later and my bet is sooner.