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Temas Resources Corp C.TMAS

Alternate Symbol(s):  TMASF

Temas Resources Corp. is a Canada-based company, which is engaged in the acquisition, development and exploration of mineral properties. The Company is focused on the advanced La Blache and Lac Brule Iron-Titanium-Vanadium projects in Quebec. Additionally, the Company invests in and works to apply its green mineral recovery technologies across its mining portfolio to reduce the environmental impact and carbon footprint of metal extraction through advanced processing and patented leaching technologies. The La Blache Fe-Ti-V Project is composed of approximately 117 claims and covers 6,203.12 hectares. The Project is located approximately 100 kilometers (km) north of the community of Baie-Comeau, Quebec. The Lac Brule Ti-Fe-V Project is composed of approximately 36 claims, covering 2,016 hectares within the Labrieville Anorthsosite Complex. The Project is located 64 km by road accessible from Labrieville, on the north shore of the St. Lawrence 100 km north of Forestville.

CSE:TMAS - Post by User

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  • blueboron99X
Post by blueboron99on Jun 20, 2022 11:08am
Post# 34768789

Piskanja Boron Property in Serbia

Piskanja Boron Property in Serbia

Presently Erin &Temas ARE marketing the Piskanja boron property in Germany, with the aim to list on the Frankfurt exchange to increase retail & institutional share holders.

Most current article posted-

The Canadian company Erin Ventures is active in an area dominated by Rio Tinto and a Turkish state-owned company. It is all about borates, which is not an obvious concept even for experienced commodity traders. Borates are used in many areas, such as fertilizers, magnets, ceramics, LCD screens, solar panels, semiconductors, and glass and glass fibers. Without borates, there would be no Gorilla Glass in smartphones or tablets, and borates can even be used for shielding. Erin Ventures owns the Piskanja boron project, located in Serbia, and covers an area of approximately 3 sq km. The latest mineral resource estimate from an independent source suggests a total of 3.4 million tons of boric oxide on the property.

That represents a high-grade boron deposit in a historic mining region with good infrastructure. To develop the project, the Company decided last November to enter into a joint venture with Temas Resources. Temas can acquire up to 50% in the project, paying for it with 250,000 shares and 250,000 options, and has committed to invest EUR 10.5 million in the Piskanja project. Currently, the Company is working on an updated economic analysis (PEA), as the old one dates back to 2014 and assumes about USD 2 billion in total revenues with a mine life of 21 years and a net margin of 68.7%. The upcoming PEA will include detailed deposit modeling, which is essential for the mining license process and can be reused in the future feasibility study.

As soon as the new PEA is available, the feasibility study is to be completed this year. Construction of the mine, which is expected to produce 200,000t of boric oxide per year, is expected to be completed by the end of 2025. Around EUR 41 million will be needed for construction. The equity share is to be EUR 10.5 million. Within two years after the start of the mine, a boric acid plant is to be built, which will cost around EUR 9 million and is to be financed from cash flow. The borates market is an oligopoly, with two producers covering 70% of the market. However, demand is increasing and will outstrip supply in the medium term, thus ensuring rising prices. The share is currently quoted at 0.065 Canadian dollars (CAD) and has a market capitalization of only around CAD 10 million. Therefore, the Company is undervalued according to the available facts.

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